References: Communication

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A message via social media leads to recovery and return of a headstone fragment in Rohatyn (Ivano-Frankivsk oblast). Photos © RJH.

As described in the guide page for communication on this website, many media, channels, and opportunities are available for communicating locally and globally in a variety of formats about projects to preserve Jewish heritage in western Ukraine. The range of these tools spans from traditional to dynamic to fleeting, each with their own audiences, applications, requirements, and effects. The field is too broad to capture on a single page of references, and evolves too quickly for the list to remain relevant for long. Methods for finding and evaluating communication tools are widely shared for free on the internet. Ordinary browser searches will find them; we recommend new searches even while reviewing this page.

The key references noted below are only a narrow slice of the possibilities, but are detailed here as known and tested examples which can serve as baselines and to inspire further research and application. Probably the best examples of communication tools and platforms are the ones which cemetery project activists find in their own lives and work; researching how those messages and information reached and impacted others will provide important clues to successful strategies and tools.

Because these lists are lengthy, we have divided them into categories for simpler review; many of the references overlap two or more categories. A few of the listed references are highlighted with brief summaries in the first section below, “key references”. Other useful resources on this subject may be found in the sections on regional and international experts, and on technical tools, methods, and data. Except where noted otherwise, all references listed here are in English.

Key References

Social Media for NGOs – Why, How, and Which ones?; Eva Wieners; proposalsforNGOs; web page, undated.
A clear and simply-worded overview of social media tools specifically described for use by NGOs, and by extension any individual or small organization run by volunteers. Presented by an organization which consults on writing grant proposals, the article tilts toward fundraising but more broadly covers the use of social media platforms for messaging about a project’s goals, issues, progress, and needs. Details only five of the many platforms, but for each the current variety of available tools are discussed, not only about what they are but also about how they can be useful to NGOs. A good introduction to the topic for activists with little prior experience with the platforms.

Jewish Cemeteries and Tourism Development – An ESJF Guide; Diána Vonnák and Olena Andronatiy; ESJF European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative, 2020.
Part of a series of foundation texts developed by ESJF to promote Jewish cemeteries in public awareness as a facet of preservation, the illustrated text highlights Jewish cemeteries as heritage sites meaningful to the international community and the local community, and especially prioritizes the cemetery neighbors and civic administration as stewards of the site within a local and regional heritage ecosystem. Written for tour guides and civil society activists, the booklet provides reference information on the Jewish cemetery through history and through the devastation of the Holocaust, with advice on interpreting both demolished and preserved sites for research and for tourism. The text includes guidance on what to look for in Jewish cemeteries, what to talk about in cemeteries with tour groups, how to engage and connect Jewish tourists with the site, and some rules and customs to follow in order to respect the site. Following an overview of Jewish cemeteries in five countries in which ESJF has surveyed and fenced (including Ukraine), with contributions from local heritage activists, the text concludes with suggestions for adapting a local cemetery into a sustainable tourism site, and is followed by a list of recommended reference literature and links.

Facebook; website, ongoing.
Facebook is certainly a giant in online social networking services, and according to the article described above, “Social Media for NGOs always starts with a Facebook account.” This influence stems both from its huge reach (roughly one-third of the world’s population) and from the range of its communication tools. Studying how other formal and informal heritage projects have used the platform to promote their work and engage with others is a good way to learn effective approaches to leveraging Facebook’s many features. Individual platform rules, tools, and appearance change frequently, often breaking temporarily or disappearing altogether, and there is almost no hands-on monitoring of user behavior, so heritage project activists must allocate significant time to manage their profiles, posts, events, and interactions in order to gain the benefits of Facebook’s wide reach.

OpenStreetMap; website, ongoing. See also the Beginner’s Guide, the User’s Guide, and the Wiki.
A collaborative mapping project which is open source in its development and crowdsourced in its data, OpenStreetMap (OSM) rivals proprietary internet mapping applications such as Google Maps, Microsoft’s Bing Maps, and others. The ease of adding to and editing the geographic information data about sites and physical features has helped the project engage millions of registered users, allowing individuals with local knowledge to expand and correct map data. For activists on Jewish heritage projects, adding, labeling, and describing in multiple languages the sites and features they know best can be an easy way to help visitors find and explore the heritage, both virtually and at the physical site. In addition to the regular browser tool for computers, OSM data is also used by a variety of GPS devices and mobile phone applications (including popular apps commonly used in western Ukraine), overcoming blind spots in other map databases.

Printed and Electronic Books

Public History

Communication Strategies

Website Development: Guidance and Resources

Journal Articles, Reports, and Web Pages

Communication Strategies

Website Development: Guidance and Resources

Social Media: Guidance and Resources


Communication Strategies

Social Media: Guidance and Resources